Site Stats
Members: 2435
Series: 27
Stories: 596
Chapters: 1848
Word count: 4457655
Authors: 99
Reviews: 2180
Reviewers: 245
Newest Member: kbsoju20
Story of the Moment
Mouth by Aaronlisa G
Max goes to Alec's apartment for his help on a job but she finds him unable to help her. Contains...
Skin Change
Please Note!

From the Dispatch Desk

Hello All!

We have disabled direct website registration due to the sheer number of spam and bot registrations. 

HOWEVER if you would like to register, you can; simple do the following:

IN AN EMAIL please tell us your favourite character from the show, 3 things tha best describe them/you like the most about them, and your favourite scene which features them. 


--RH Admin on 10 Nov 2023 04:09 PM 0 Comments

Lost Passwords or Forgotten Emails - Re-registration Requests

Hi All!

We've had a number of previous/older members trying to re-register with the site because they have either forgotten their user name or no longer have access to their old email addresses.

If this is the case, when you email the admin team to re-register, if you can recall the old email or if you know that the forgotten user name is still associated with your current email address, your account may...

--RH Admin on 15 Jun 2021 09:20 AM 0 Comments

Summer Prompt - For Old Times' Sake

     Well, it's official. There are more cobwebs in this community than members... *frowns* and I think it may be safe to say that a fair number of us are so rusty we can barely rustle up muster to move, let alone pen fanfic!

     And so, we're hoping that there are at least a handful of you - of our awesome, much-loved community -  that are willing to try your hands at some fanfic! We've missed...

--Shay (Admin) on 20 Jul 2018 10:11 PM 0 Comments

Recent Broadcasts
Lost In A Moment by Kat NC17
Special thanks to Vilnolin for her gorgeous cover art! Three and a half years after the Jam Pony...
Annihilation is Not a Strong Enough Word by vilnolin NC17
It's slow going, teaching Max exactly what being a transgenic is all about. Add in someone messing...
Mind is a Steel Trap (that needs some maintenance...) by OneBadCat G
a collection of AU prompts and their fills - that I have designed and written...PLEASE FEEL FREE TO WRITE...
The Twelve Days of Transgenic Christmas by Midnight Parallax G
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Dark Angel Style
The XYZ Affair featuring M & A by Midnight Parallax PG13
My take on nickledime17's one-shot alphabet prompts.
A Christmas to Remember by Taste_of_Suburbia PG13
Alec just wishes Max would stop stealing the cookies.
What's Underneath by la_rubinita NC17
Alec teaches Max to get over herself.  The hard way.  But nothing was ever easy between them...
Waiting Rooms by Taste_of_Suburbia PG13
Ames didn’t do waiting rooms, or waiting period. Then again, he also didn’t tolerate drugged-to-the-gills...
Systemic Reverberation by Taste_of_Suburbia R
He took stock of the injuries within mere seconds: broken wrist, dislocated shoulder, broken ribs judging...
Zero-Sum by Taste_of_Suburbia PG13
Ames was the one who had to live through it and he was either winning or losing, or both.